Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

Tracer HUD – Speed Monitoring System

As of late, young motorists have become a target in the media due to their high fatality rate as a result of speeding. Tracer HUD is an after market HUD projection and speed monitoring system designed for use by motorists under the age of 25. Utilizing the latest advances in GPS and laser projection technology, the system will notify the user of their current speed and location in the form of a Heads Up Display.

(HUD) projected on the windscreen. While at the same time, it can be retrofitted into an existing automobile without the need for hardwiring or permanent installation mounts. The secondary function of the system is to act as a surveillance device. If the driver of the vehicle exceeds a pre-determined speed limit, the device will record and notify a nominated party of the violation. Thus driver’s holding an unsupervised license will still have their driving behavior monitored.

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